Wednesday, September 24, 2008


well i am sitting here eating my toast with organic peanut butter that never really is as good as Jiffy in my opinion. but i still eat it cause im so lame that i even want my toast to be hip and green. anyways, i digress. i was thinking, wow...our blog is dead. tear. then hope! glimmer! BLOGS NEVER DIE! there is always hope for a forgotten blog when glorious inspiration or fabulous news strikes the unsuspecting author....

but here i sit with my peanut butter toast...well the empty plate now sits next to an open bag of unsalted blue corn chips, and i have....nothing

maybe my shear urge to write on my once forgotten blog is enough. maybe this a begining. a fresh start... a blog name change?

i will have to ponder these things. i think next the best thing to do would be to update you on my life. so i will. promise.

thank you.

Danielle Marie Cleland